Monday, December 2, 2013

Bruce Lee Hands


I wonder if this little dude will want to take up martial arts. Daddy did Tae Kwon Do, I think... Mommy only had a failed attempt at Kendo. Looks like he's got a decent start!


A-OK Hands

Excellent cuddling hold. Soother checks out. Bib is well secured.  We are a-ok for feeding time! T-5 minutes!!

Taken at the same time as Mr. Burns hands. Nonna is holding him here, which I think influenced his advanced hand-poser-y. She's very hands-on. 

Somebody stop me. 


Mr. Burns Hands

"Eeeexcellent, Smithers."

No word of a lie, he had his fingers interlocked perfectly just prior to this (y'know, the way you do when you fold your hands).  Tried to get a picture and failed, but got this instead. D'oh!!

I wonder if we have a future overpowered  business mogul on our hands here.

...that pun was perhaps SLIGHTLY intended.

Now release the hounds. 


Adjusting-necktie-while-holding-a-cane Hands

Now that I've said it, you totally see it, don't you?

I'm sensing an emerging theme (see teacup hands and telephone hands). I think my son was an early 1900s British lord in another life.


Praise the Lord Hands


The light shining down on him helps this one.

Off-topic: I wonder if elephants ever suffer monkeys to ride on their backs in the wild. I think the Sleep Sack designers may be taking liberties (the fact that these elephants are green only furthers my suspicions)!

Other suggestions for this adorable pose?


Glamour Shots Hands

Remember Glamour Shots? The late-80s early-90s phenomenon that involved lots of denim, eyeshadow, hairspray and "sexy" poses?

Yeah, that's it. I think G-man's got this pose DOWN. Perhaps he has a modeling career ahead of him... Toddlers and Tiaras, here we come!! </sarcasm>


Invisible Animal-Petting Hands

Either that, or he's doing the "Don't Worry" move from the Dance Central Xbox Kinect games. Mommy needs to start playing those again for exercise... Must get five stars on Soulja Boy!

...I digress. 

What else might Hammy be doing with his handses? I'm seriously asking this time, because I swear this looks so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. pun intended. I think I need more sleep, my jokes are as bad as Daddy's and Nonno's!


Monday, November 18, 2013

"Hello, Operator?" Hands

Remember what I said about enjoying the new episodes of Downton Abbey? G-man must've taken notes. Can't you just picture an old-fashioned phone here? Earpiece in the left hand, mouthpiece in the right? Maybe Daddy will fire up Photoshop for this one, too. I'll post if he does (poor guy's been burning the candle at both ends with taking care of our little monkey so I can sleep, so it's not a top priority!)

Any other objects come to mind here? Tell us in comments!


"GAH!! No photos!!" Hands

Nonna snapped this one a few weeks ago (I'm marvelling at how teeny-tiny G looks as compared to now!! They grow up so fast!). Think he was already sick of hand-papparrazzi by that point?

Snuggling this little man currently to enjoy him in his tininess,


Friday, November 15, 2013

Invisible Teacup Hands

Daddy promised to Photoshop a teacup into this one; I'll post it when he's done!

Pinkies up!
I'm loving this since I realized that Series 4 of Downton Abbey just recently finished airing in the UK, so I got all caught up on episodes. It involved a lot of tea drinking. 

Other ideas for what invisible item G-man is gripping? Leave them below!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Invisible Ballroom Dancing Hands

Remember that meme, not so long ago, featuring cats "interacting" with invisible objects?  If not, here's a refresher...

This seemed appropriate given the last post.  Image from  More adorable feline examples here!
We love cats (even if ours still doesn't know what to make of our little G-man yet), so it seems only appropriate to continue this meme.  I give you: Invisible Ballroom Dancing Hands.

Unrelated bit of info- this sleeper has monkeys on it (as well as monkey faces for feeties) and says "Go Bananas" on it.  Squee!!

This pose is particularly appropriate on a blog dedicated to Nonna, as she and Nonno have become big ballroom dancing fans/pupils in their retirement.  A second "in-joke" is when Nonna practices her dancing holding baby G- she always says, "Oh, he's so light on his feet!"  Love it.

Other thoughts on this particular upper extremity placement?  Let us know!


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pensive Hands

Though I'm quite new to this whole mommy thing, I'm fairly certain that every parent will attest to the fact that their child is a tiny evil genius, constantly plotting ways to make you doubt your abilities.

To that end, I give you Pensive Hands:

He's adorable, but sweet jeebus, what dastardly deed is he dreaming up??

Though I realize that he's using the wrong phalange, I can't help but think of this when looking at him:

Hubs would be ecstatic if we managed to get some frickin' sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads, I imagine.  Photo from
Other thoughts?  Let us know in comments!


Supplication Hands

G-man loves to eat.  I mean, LOOOVES it.  This makes us very happy, as he was born fairly tiny and we're trying to help him grow!

Nonna's helping us feed him!
Wait, what's this??
Apparently, he loves to eat so much that, at the tender age of four weeks, he's already helping out by holding his own bottle.  Nonna, of course, is thrilled.

Behold!  Video documentation!!  You even get a nice view of Nonna's hands!

What I love about this is that it looks like he's just pleading for food, hands raised in supplication... even though the bottle is already in his mouth. 

For the love of Pete, feed me!  Best supplication picture I could find.  Photo credit to
Any other theories as to what he's doing here?  Comment!!


Friday, November 8, 2013

80s Throwback Hands

I snapped this one just this morning, though little G-man has struck this pose before:

I'm going to call it "The Sleeping Skinnamarink." Anyone born in Canada in the mid-80s with CBC should know what this references IMMEDIATELY (or we're not friends anymore!) For the rest of you, here's a big hint:

Things I love about this:

1) It adds to our repertoire of cute songs to sing to our Dude (most of which have consisted of silly made up lullabies or sea shanties so far. Hubs is playing Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, by way of explanation for the latter...)

2) A lot of his baby paraphernalia features elephants (his swing most prominently), and

3) It gives Nonna a chance to reminisce about taking me and Auntie Ni, as small kids, to see Sharon, Lois and Bram live (again, pretty sure we're time traveling to the 80s here).

Any alternate suggestions for this hand pose? Leave them in comments!



So here's the story.

Hubs and I are brand-new parents. We're incredibly blessed to have both sets of our son's grandparents living in the city and willing to lend a helping hand. In particular, my parents (the Nonni, Italian for grandparents) have been over almost every day of baby G's life. At first they mostly helped us with yard and housework (especially as I recovered from a c-section). So thankful!!

Proud Nonni!  Look, you can even see a hand peeking out from the swaddle...
Recently, though, as we've settled into our life as three, the Nonni come over more to hang out and get their daily hit of baby G time.  During these hangouts, a new fixation has emerged. My dear mother, hereafter referred to as Nonna, is absolutely in love with baby G's hands. He does seem to be particularly expressive (we joke that it's his 1/4 Italian ethnicity). It seems like every time she visits, Nonna exclaims in awe, "Look at his hands!!"

"Nonno, see what he's doing with his hands!?!"

"Meli, look at his hands!!" (to which I've started replying, "Yes, they're attached to his arms!")

And my personal favourite: "I didn't pose them this way, you know!!!" As if we would dare to accuse her of such trickery!

This genuine fascination is rapidly becoming an in-joke in our little family (this should tell you something about our sense of humour).  To that end, we've decided to try to capture these astounding hand poses and hypothesize as to what our little peanut might be doing with them.  Playing an invisible piano? Throwing an invisible baseball? Fending off the paparazzi (a legitimate concern in my camera-happy family)? Let's have a look!!

First, though, I need to be clear that, while we may poke fun, Nonna is one of (if not THE) most caring, hard-working, and amazing women I know. I'm lucky to have been raised by her, and I know our kids will be better people for having her in their lives. Her capacity for love is unending. So instead of a funny one, let's just start off with this photo of baby G's hand in Nonna's during snuggle time (taken, of course, at her behest!)
