Monday, September 8, 2014

Invisible piano playing (after a hiatus!)

Can you tell my maternity leave ended long ago?? ;)

Hammy is turning into a truly amazing little dude.  His hands continue to be a source of fascination; they can do so many interesting things now!!  Pick up Cheerios, grab onto a table to pull himself up, pull on Mommy's glasses or Nonna's earrings... the list goes on.

Sing us a song, you're the piano man!
Here's a recent hands feature (in a very stylish romper, which sort of looks like a 1920s men's bathing suit).  Maybe I should find my old Fisher Price piano and see if he can tickle the ivories (plastics?) like I used to!


Monday, December 2, 2013

Bruce Lee Hands


I wonder if this little dude will want to take up martial arts. Daddy did Tae Kwon Do, I think... Mommy only had a failed attempt at Kendo. Looks like he's got a decent start!


A-OK Hands

Excellent cuddling hold. Soother checks out. Bib is well secured.  We are a-ok for feeding time! T-5 minutes!!

Taken at the same time as Mr. Burns hands. Nonna is holding him here, which I think influenced his advanced hand-poser-y. She's very hands-on. 

Somebody stop me. 


Mr. Burns Hands

"Eeeexcellent, Smithers."

No word of a lie, he had his fingers interlocked perfectly just prior to this (y'know, the way you do when you fold your hands).  Tried to get a picture and failed, but got this instead. D'oh!!

I wonder if we have a future overpowered  business mogul on our hands here.

...that pun was perhaps SLIGHTLY intended.

Now release the hounds. 


Adjusting-necktie-while-holding-a-cane Hands

Now that I've said it, you totally see it, don't you?

I'm sensing an emerging theme (see teacup hands and telephone hands). I think my son was an early 1900s British lord in another life.


Praise the Lord Hands


The light shining down on him helps this one.

Off-topic: I wonder if elephants ever suffer monkeys to ride on their backs in the wild. I think the Sleep Sack designers may be taking liberties (the fact that these elephants are green only furthers my suspicions)!

Other suggestions for this adorable pose?


Glamour Shots Hands

Remember Glamour Shots? The late-80s early-90s phenomenon that involved lots of denim, eyeshadow, hairspray and "sexy" poses?

Yeah, that's it. I think G-man's got this pose DOWN. Perhaps he has a modeling career ahead of him... Toddlers and Tiaras, here we come!! </sarcasm>
